Tuesday, April 8

Book Tag

From Peter's Cross Station:

Rules: pick up the nearest book that is at least 123 pages...turn to page 123, find the 5th sentence. Type the next 3 sentences.

The book is Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson (what did you expect?)

"This means that you take a meter reading to the side of the sun in these scenes and use that reading to make your image. When shooting city or country scenes at dusk, Brother Dusty Sky gets the call, meaning you take your meter reading from the dusk sky. And, when faced with coastal scenes or lake reflections at sunrise or sunset call on Brother Reflecting Sky, meaning you take your meter reading from the light reflecting off the surface of the water." (Pretty exciting, huh?)

Tag, you're it Alyssa!


I haven't taken many pictures lately, but since the weather has been so fabulous lately, I had a chance to get one of Abby enjoying the sun (and checking out the noise coming from the neighbors). I am hanging upside down from Sarah's play structure - that's why it's a TAD crooked! Hey, you gotta do what your toddler asks when it comes to hanging upside down, right?

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