Monday, May 14

At the flower shop

My Dad came over for the day yesterday. He took me to lunch and then we visited a couple nurseries in town for some flowers to plant in our landscape and in some pots. Well, I can't go where there are flowers to shoot without my camera, you know, right? But, unfortunately, none of these pictures turned out as well as I would have liked. So, I just posted some that were my favorites (the foxglove is for you, Chel). I was even able to spend some time planting the flowers and poking around in the dirt and mulch (without having to keep a watchful eye on a toddler) and before my back said "enough!". I had a lot of fun, thanks Dad. Also, thanks to Rob for taking care of Sarah for the day. It was really nice to have the "day off".
(click on the picture for a larger view)

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks! I love their freckled "snouts!"