Monday, April 30

Sarah still exists

She's still cute..
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Thursday, April 26


Are ya tired of the flowers yet? Are ya, huh?
I'm not, and it's my blog, so here's more from the flower show.

This was a pretty, obnoxious, PINK, in your face "dramatic" table setting. It was just too much all together. So, Chellie and I tore it apart, flower by flower. Well, maybe we didn't get a shot of every flower - it was fun trying though!

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Wednesday, April 25

What a 2 yr old does for a birthday

Sarah doesn't understand what's going on when Mama says "you're two today! Happy Birthday, Sarah!" She just parrots me and moves on. I bought some balloons and blew them up - only to have her run to her new Sesame Street floor puzzle and inspect herself in front of the mirror with each piece. Can she at least act interested? Tonight Rob and I will get out and buy her present and hopefully she'll be a tad more excited about that! I will take some pics and post them later. Just needed a little venting on the toddler-attention span : ) I KNOW those of you with kids can empathize.

Another from the flower show ~

Tuesday, April 24

Not the flower show

These first two shots are from my neighbors yard this morning -


Pink tulip

I couldn't resist posting one of Sarah from the weekend in Cincy. They have a trampoline and Sarah LOVED it. You see her here after about 20 minutes of constant bouncing. She didn't bounce but "J" and "C" did and that bounced Sarah. Even though she looked a bit "green" after all that, she still didn't want to stop!
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Monday, April 23

A few more...

from the Cincy Flower Show

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Sunday, April 22

Sneak Peek

Here are a few of my favorite shots from the Cincy Flower Show today. I will post more later. It was a beautiful day!

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Friday, April 20

Off We Go

Here's a tulip from the bouquet my friend "A" dropped by the other day for my b-day. Thank you so much "A"!
We are off to Cincinnati for the annual flower show. I am so excited and can't wait to share some of the pictures with you when we get back on Monday.
Ciao for now.
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Thursday, April 19

Sunglasses and Softball

It's that season - softball. It starts early in the year and ends late in the year. We plan on having fun at the ball park this year. I am not sure how much "watching" of the actual game I will get in, but that's what happens when I bring a toddler to the game. As you can see,
Sarah is STILL wearing her sunglasses.
She had a blast running around and climbing on the bleachers (eek!).

#16 - Daddy up to bat.
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Wednesday, April 18

My bleeding heart...

...for those who lost a loved one/friend at Virginia Tech,
as well as those having to live with this nightmare the rest of their lives.

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Tuesday, April 17

Quick Post of Thanks

I must thank "T" for offering to return the Nambe casserole dish that I spoke of in my previous post. What a great friend! I graciously accepted the offer and feel lucky to have her as a friend. It's a tad odd to accept it back since it was my own stupidity for donating it anyway. Obviously, had I known it's uses and value, I'd be using it : ) So, please know that I will now view this piece of bake ware as a treasure like never before! I'm thinking a bullet-proof glass box on a high shelf with spot lights!

Thanks "T" - you're awesome.

Monday, April 16

My trash, another person's treasure...seriously!

I woke up this morning at 5a.m. thinking about this story and when I could post it. Well, I was actually awake this early because I went to bed at 8:30p.m. last night and my body was just tired of being in bed, or my back, I should say! The title of this post is something you hear often, but it finally happened to me. However, I was NOT on the receiving end of this treasure.

So, I was chatting with some of my friends at a b-day party yesterday about the garage sale our mother's group had hosted this weekend. "T" started to talk about her collection of Nambe ware and how cool it is (never heard of this myself until now)...silver, freeze it, bake it, things stay cold/hot longer, and how many pieces she has, which was leading us to what she found at the sale. She was so excited to quickly browse the sale first thing in the morning, only to find one of these Nambe pieces (a dish with matching lid) for only $3.50! She snagged it up immediately. "T" then states it's worth about $150 - at this moment my jaw dropped and eyes bugged out of my head, I grabbed her arm and said "that was mine!" My story is that I bought this dish w/ lid at an antique store in Wisconsin several years ago for about $5.00. I used it for potpourri or decor for a few years, then just didn't have much use for it and didn't match my decor. I had NO idea, obviously, what this thing was worth and it's cool uses. We had a really good laugh about it.

Well, the story continues. I am checking out this Nambe ware on line. To add insult to injury, this "dish with lid" I donated is the only bake ware with a lid in their entire collection and is REALLY worth $335! Big eye-opener for me. Make sure you investigate the value/uses of something before you donate it. I have to say that I am glad it "fell" into "T's" hands. She will take great care of it (has already polished it) and it will enjoy life being shiny and happy amongst it's kind at her house instead of in the dark, dreary basement of mine.

Sunday, April 15

sunglasses, continued...

The swing and sunglasses

Birthday party for "A" and sunglasses.
I think she's hooked.
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Saturday, April 14

Something new!

Sunglasses from The Children's Place

How do these work, Mama?

Oh, yeah, like this!
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Thursday, April 12


Just a couple shots of the yellow gerberas "hanging" around the house.
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Wednesday, April 11

One in a Million

I can't believe I got a picture of Sarah looking at the camera AND smiling!
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Tuesday, April 10

Anything else?

Nope. More Sarah

Hopefully the weather will be getting better soon, so I feel like taking outside shots again.
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Monday, April 9

Pics and Super Glue

Papa reading Dr. Suess's ABC book with Sarah

A full view of "that" dress. In case you're wondering, I bought it on EBay, brand new, it's Gymboree. Adorable!

We celebrated my b-day a little early with some Culver's Oreo ice cream cake. Out of this world, yummy. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Mimi "fish lips" making faces with Sarah in the mirror.

The Thumb and Some Super Glue

Are you intrigued? Let me warn you that this may get a little gross. While at my parents on Saturday night, I was in charge of slicing the bread to make garlic/butter toast. I am not sure when my parents bought their knives, but they are REALLY sharp. I pride myself in being a good slicer, but now I am rethinking that whole perspective. As I was mindlessly slicing the pieces, talking to Dad, I lopped off a chunk of my right thumb. At first I just said, "Dad I just sliced my thumb good, I don't know what to do!" My Dad is usually pretty faint at heart about this stuff, so when he immediately left the room, I thought he was leaving me! (BTW, I don't remember where Rob was, I just know he wasn't around the kitchen at this time.) As I am running water over the gushing wound (and no exaggeration on the gushing part) Dad comes in with bandages and tape, etc. He wasn't leaving me after all! After a few minutes, I was getting a bit queasy and light-headed. I am not used to seeing MY blood gushing like that. Dad wrapped it up nice and tight to try and stop the bleeding. It worked for a little bit, but then we had to change the dressing because it was bleeding too much. As time went on, I felt a little better and my thumb really didn't hurt much. Then Dad mentions that we should put Super Glue on it to stop the bleeding and help the healing process! I have never heard of this, but since my Dad is the King of nicks, cuts, slices, nail punctures, etc on his hands and fingers, I would rely on his "expertise". Let me just say, that was the most ingenious idea! It stopped the bleeding, helping the wound to clot and I didn't feel a thing! It's a pretty deep slice too. (I did mention that the skin was totally sliced off too - so this isn't a "flapper".) After not even 48 hrs of this accident, I can type, shower, change Sarah's diaper, put a pony tail in my hair, etc without any pain. I am truly amazed! My sister, Miss, also confirmed that Super Glue is used by nurses/doctors as well, they just slap another name on it, like New Skin or Liquid Band-Aid.
Thanks for your help and support Dad! The thumb is healing nicely.
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Sunday, April 8


(will post more about the weekend tomorrow. just had to post this one ASAP!)

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Saturday, April 7

Happy Easter

These beautiful blossoms on our rhododendron bush have all frozen and dropped off. We are getting a pretty deep freeze/cold here and it's just depressing me to see all the beautiful blossoming trees and bushes wilt in matter of days. We weren't able to enjoy their full beauty. Our Bleeding Heart is still hanging in there, though!

I hope everyone has a nice weekend and happy Easter. I will post again on Monday...hopefully with some cool shots from the visit with my parents.
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